Friday, November 17, 2017

Navigator News Network Episode 2 - Spotlight Teacher - Ms. Jones

This week's Navigator News Network (NNN), episode includes a review of Beautiful and Brave, 2 new books in our library by Stacy McAnulty. Also included is an interview with Ms. Kirtisha Jones, 4th grade teacher being honored by our News Crew as our first Staff Spotlight recipient. Let us know your opinions, suggestions, and praise. We are working hard here at Northside Elementary to share student voices and give them choices in their learning.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

2017-2018 Boys 2 Men Community

At Northside Elementary School our students have been learning about the importance of a “community.” To bring light to “community” and improving “unity” amongst our future male student leaders and male staff the group “Boys 2 Men”was created. Not only was this group created to teach “community” and “unity” but also how to dress for success.
An important part of Boys 2 Men requires the young men to partake in “Dress Up Wednesday’s,” where they come to school dressed in a white button up shirt, bow tie and khaki/navy pants. This attire requirement will supports the vision to create “community” and “unity” within the group and hopefully spread amongst the Northside community. Under the leadership of Mr. Pedro Wilks & Mr. Barry Garrett two resource teachers here at Northside.
Boys 2 Men has “5 Star Key Points” of success that we are teaching our young men:

      The Importance of Education

Friday, November 3, 2017

Northside Navigator Network Debuts!

With the inspiration of Barry Garrett, EC Teachers' Assistant, the premiere episode of Navigator News has launched!  Each week our three 5th grade Anchors, Kendall Headen Ross, Eliot Ludwig Mauldin and Mira Kumar will present topics to share our students' voice. 

Segments like Playground Sports, and Current Events will be covered along with  Staff Spotlight, New in the Library and others to be offered by our "In The Field" reporters - other 5th graders interested in sharing their voices on the exciting new medium.

Each week, the news crew prepares and records segments which are then spliced together using iMovie for Friday release. Classrooms have access to a file location that gives them flexibility in when to show the program.

Click on the video above to take a look at our very first show!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

3rd Annual Literary Pumpkin Path is a Bumper Crop This Year!

From our amazing librarian, Mrs. Cole, "Our 3rd annual literary pumpkin patch is up and on display along the tops the shelves in our library.  We had 39 this year - wow!" 

Take a look! Just click on the video link below for a short holiday themed view of our entries.

Pumpkins in our patch represent a favorite book character appropriate for elementary students.  Along with the pumpkin, a list of the title and author of the book and the book itself or a picture of the book cover to display with pumpkin/gourds can be found this week throughout our library.

Voting takes place across the school after students have the opportunity to view the pumpkins and stroll through the patch. Pumpkins are judged according to the following categories:

  • Pre-K thru 2nd Grade “Family” Pumpkins
  • 3rd Grade thru 5th Grade Student Pumpkins
  • Faculty & Staff Pumpkins